Intentions Calendar


I sometimes have a hard time with setting goals or resolutions. They can feel really intimidating and scary. And I know that if I declare something too big, I’ll just feel bad about myself when I don’t accomplish it. Anyone else? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “I’m going to read four books this year!” I say it with so much confidence that I convince my current self that it’s going to happen. But my future self is standing in the corner with her arms crossed smugly snickering “that’ll never happen…” It’s a whole thing. But the reality is that future self is right. Months after making that declaration, future self has read the same first 30 pages of a book 9 times because she keeps falling asleep. Current self is literally the best project starter you’ll ever meet. And future self is left in a hangover of unfinished ideas and projects. It can get overwhelming being such a hot mess. 

Idea hangovers are one reason why I made my intentions calendars. I stopped making resolutions because I could never stick to them. But I still like the idea of working to make myself more whole. Intentions don’t feel as daunting as resolutions. They feel lighter and more forgiving. I can make an intention or two for the month. Future self won’t be able to snicker at that.

The other reason is that I believe even the smallest intentions can make a big difference. Focusing on small, but meaningful and intentional thoughts can make an impact on not only yourself, but those around you. Maybe your intention for the month is to drink more water. Even if it’s just one more cup a day, something is better than nothing. By the end of the month, that intention has become a good habit. And you never know who’s paying attention and who you’re inspiring. Maybe a coworker sees you making a small effort and that inspires them to implement a needed “intention” in their own life. That’s pretty powerful. 

So if you’re a project starter like me or just like the idea of simplifying your goals, this might be the calendar for you. It’s simple yet beautiful, and I hope it makes you feel whole.

For the record, I usually average 1.2 books a year. I probably have about 11 unfinished books waiting for me. Like I said #hotmess.

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